1. I am unable to view past investments.

If you are unable to view past investments make sure you have linked your broker correctly.
Go to Account -> Set Broker and try setting the broker. If you cannot view your investments, reach out to us on our WhatsApp channel. We recently upgraded our backend and it's possible your investments did not get appropriately migrated. 

2.  I am unable to get past the PAN page due to a duplicate PAN Issue. 

If you have already linked a number with a PAN, you cannot log in with another number. Try logging in with your original number. If you wish to change your number reach out to our support team for it. 

3. I want to change my risk profile

The risk profile is a mechanism for us to learn more about you and allows us to advise products and articles to you. It does not impact the portfolios recommended and returns generated.

Our flagship portfolio is designed for low to medium risk profiles and works well in generating strong returns regardless of your risk level or amount invested

Our multiplier portfolio is designed for medium to high-risk profiles and works well in generating non-linear returns. However, the risk is higher in this product due to our focus on mid and small-cap stocks only.

Be rest assured we offer the best experience regardless of your risk level