To withdraw your investments from the Teji Mandi app via Supported Broker:

  • Go to the 'Accounts' tab.

  • Tap the desired portfolio under 'Manage Portfolios’. For example, here we will be going for ‘Teji Mandi Flagship’.

  • Now click 'Withdraw Investments' and confirm by tapping 'Yes’. Add the reason for your withdrawal. This process is mandatory, you will have to select at least one reason. Now proceed by clicking on the ‘Withdrawal Investment’ tab.

  • You will be directed to your broker account. Here, you will get an option to withdraw your fund via two options: ‘Partial’ or ‘Whole’. If you are going for partial withdrawal, you need to add the amount you wish to withdraw and then proceed with ‘Confirm’. 

  • Please note that for a partial withdrawal, the remaining shares or amount should meet the minimum investment criteria.

To proceed with the ‘whole withdrawal’:

  • Tap on ‘Exit Smallcase’, then click on ‘Yes, Confirm Orders’. Your withdrawal process is complete. Please note that the settlement will take T+1 days, and users need to connect with the broker to get all the details post-withdrawal.